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Kendo World - A Cumulative Table of Content

When I decided to make a cumulative table of content for the five first volumes of your favorite magazine, I had several things in mind.


First, I knew that it will help me a lot for my researches. I will finally be able to find quickly an article that has been lost for years in the maze of my memory. But, I guess that I am not the only kendoka who can read and who want to improve his general knowledge about the art. Since others might also be willing to use the wealth of information disseminated in the 20 issues of Kendo World -that is 2153 pages-, I have decided to print my work. I am sure it will be useful to many. At least it should be... It could make the difference in your next 8th dan grading!


Second, I thought that it would be easy and fast to do. What a nice way to have one more line in my Curriculum Vitae! I was unfortunately wrong about that second point. But, as Confucius said to his disciples: no pain, no gain! This general table of context should normally have been followed by an index. In this case, this work would have been easily three times bigger. Therefore, I have decided, for the sake of the Amazonian Forest, not to write it. Instead I have classified the articles under general and/or precise categories. In some cases, the same article has been placed under different headings.  That should help the reader to find quickly an article of interest. In some case, I had to change the original title. My friends from the editorial board having been sometimes without consistency or having simply made typo mistakes.


Therefore, the first object of this table of content is to allow to find quickly an article. It is NOT a bibliography where the references can just be copied and used elsewhere. In this case, you should always crosscheck my reference with the original title of the article. I didn't mention systematically the translator's or the photograph's names. It doesn't mean that I don't respect their work... how could it be? I just choose that option to make the table shorter and clearer. Again, I will ask the reader to go to the original paper to find all these information.


    Sergio Boffa PhD

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